Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Apollo Speciality Hospitals,OMR investigates the fad behind Unhealthy Lifestyle: 26th October World Obesity Day

Apollo Speciality Hospitals,OMR investigates the fad behind Unhealthy Lifestyle

Why is it that following an unhealthy lifestyle does not require any encouragement? Why is it that we constantly require sensitization and reminders to adopt healthier options in life? To discuss intriguing answers, Apollo Speciality Hospitals, OMR, marking the World Obesity Day, on 26th October 2015, opened a discussion panel with Chief Guest Dr.Jayanth Murali,IPS, Additional Director General of Police, and a fitness enthusiast. 

Today’s generation which has a lot less time for kitchen chores, cafeteria lunches and take away dinners have become a way of life. An interesting analysis at the discussion panel, pointed out that, the dilemma of choosing healthy lifestyle vs binging is now made easy by more economical price tags plastered across the unhealthy options. A salad bowl is priced higher than a burger in most outlets. Dr. Jayanth also discussed the concern with increased consumption of GMOs in the food sector globally, contributing to morbid obesity.

With cashless healthcare services offered by corporate medical insurances that cover doctor’s consultation fees to high-end surgeries, consumers don’t seem to feel the pinch of medical expenses or a need to choose healthy lifestyle. It really becomes a concern for the country and corporates that run it, who carry the burden of significantly higher medical bills, absenteeism and lack of productivity.

A study conducted by Apollo Speciality Hosptials, OMR analyzed that 30% of corporate 
population is obese. Studies showed that 10% of the total cost of loss of productivity because of sick leave was related to obesity and related diseases. The impact of Obesity on iIllness, absence and productivity is 2.5 times more days per year compared to normal counterparts as a result corporate bleed over 3 Crores annually due to obesity as a metabolic disease.    

Apollo Speciality Hospitals, OMR’s Corporate Leadership Club invites the senior members of companies to join the panel and discuss strategies with our panel of specialist in the Obesity Clinic to reverse the current challenge.

Dr.Premkumar Balachandran, who heads the Obesity and Metabolic Rehabilitation Clinic at Apollo Hospitals, OMR discussed about the emerging trend of metabolic illness in the population and its associated ill effects. He also discussed the option of surgical intervention for morbidly obese people. He emphasized that such patients should consider the life threatening consequences that could occur due to obesity.

Mr.Saravanan a patient of Dr.Premkumar, who had previously opted for a surgical intervention and
lost 40 kgs as an outcome of the procedure, spoke about his experience before and after bariatric surgery. He expressed his post-surgical ease with basic activities of life such as walking, breathing and sleeping which were previously a challenge. 

Much touted diets may be many, and endless studies discussing for and against various options. Instead of only thinking about what food to avoid, focus on what nutritious food you can add to your diet.The staff, patients and their attenders of Apollo Speciality Hospitals took an oath to incorporate small changes in their regular diet, such as opting for rock salt instead of white salt, brown sugar instead of refined white sugar, choosing one meal a day that is very healthy and taking 8 mins off their work schedule to sprint around the campus. Together let’s rephrase '26th October World Obesity Day' to '26th October World Healthy Lifestyle Day'.

The bottom line: Diet or no diet, insurance or no insurance, in the end, choosing a healthier lifestyle or not, comes down to just 3 powerful words: ‘Life is Priceless.’

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