Sunday, September 6, 2015

Apollo Speciality Hospitals, OMR: Celebrating the Correct Driving Posture Month

In India an estimated 8 out 10 people suffer from lower back pain. As a prefatory to diagnosing the root cause of pain, it is important to examine all the daily activities of our lives that can be a contributing factor. Driving has been identified as one of the culprits that creates significant stress to the neck and the upper and lower back. It is not just the amount of driving you do that can worsen your back pain but also an incorrect driving posture can break your back comfort.

Staff members of Apollo Speciality Hospitals, OMR trained the commuters on OMR at the Tidal Park signal on the correct driving posture to be followed while in a car or while riding a bike.

Experts have suggested 5 simple tips to be followed while driving a car:

1.       The seat back should be as parallel as possible to the steering wheel. While seated in a car ensure that there is no gap between your lower back and the seat. Sit straight. Your buttocks and back should be square and completely squeezed into the seat. This helps to avoid backaches, possible back injuries and maintains awareness during long drives. This will also ensure the lower back is well supported and least stress is placed on the lower back.

2.       Press the brake pedal fully with your right foot and fully depress the clutch or dead pedal. Adjust the seat distance so that with pedals fully depressed, your knees remain slightly bent and the angle at the knee measures approximately 120° ensuring that the knee is either not too close to the dash board in case of an emergency. This helps better circulation to the legs, less severe injuries in case of accident

3.   Adjust your posture such that when the arms are placed on the steering wheel the wrist rest on the wheel and the bends at the elbow measures approximately 120°. This will reduce the stress on the upper arm and shoulder.

4.   The top of the headrest should be just above your eyelids, and as close to the head as possible (2-3cm). There should be a gap between the neck rest and your head to fit 2 fingers. In case of a sudden jerk, the head and neck would always be supported by the neck rest. A distance of more than 7cms increases the risk of a whiplash.   

5.   Ensure that there is always a gap between the top of your head and the roof of the car of a minimum of 5 fingers.

6.   Always wear a seat belt! It doesn’t matter how far, just buckle up.

This is an informational article. For medical advice on lower back pain, please contact our specialists at Apollo Speciality Hospitals, OMR on 044 33221111. At Apollo Speciality Hospitals, OMR, we look forward to extending excellence in clinical care at affordable rates. 

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